genderstat - Quantitative Analysis Tools for Gender Studies
Provides tools for quantitative analysis in gender
studies, including functions to calculate various gender
inequality metrics such as the Gender Pay Gap, Gender
Inequality Index (GII), Gender Development Index (GDI), and
Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM). Also includes extracted
secondary example datasets for practice and learning purposes,
which were obtained from the UNDP Human Development Reports
Data Center and the World Bank Gender Data Portal by the author
the dataset is available on <doi:10.34740/kaggle/dsv/6359326>.
References: Miller, Kevin; Vagins, Deborah J. (2021)
<>. Jacques Charmes & Saskia
Wieringa (2003) <doi:10.1080/1464988032000125773>. Gaƫlle
Ferrant (2010) <>.